Adam and Eve’s expulsion from paradise, the legends of the Greek and Roman Gods, and the biblical hero David. These are some of the subjects conveyed through artistic interpretations of the human form. This course provides an intensive studio experience of drawing the nude and semi-clothed human figure, with guidance provided through diverse historical methods and approaches. Instruction will center on the employment and discussion of methods advocated by great drawing instructors of the past, including Charles Bargue (1826/7-1883) and George Bridgman (1865-1943); contemporary masters, such as Glenn Vilppu and John Asaro; and the use of computer apps to visualize the figure. Artist’s anatomy and the significance of the nude human figure in the history of art will be of prime importance. Students without previous drawing experience may be required to undertake supplementary assignments to catch up with the rest of the class.
Associated Term: Interim 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 25, 2023 to Feb 01, 2024
Levels: Undergraduate

- Teacher: Jessica Scott-Felder